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Sphere on Spiral Stairs


Automotive Expertise

For those in car sales and repair, the stakes are high due to fast changes in tech and consolidation. For content that keeps pace, turn to a writer who follows the trends with care.  

Photo courtesy of AMRULQAYS via Pixabay.jpg

Blogs That Draw in New Clients

Google speaks a secret language that only experienced writers know how to align with your strategy. With a short chat and a sense of your competitors, you can end up on the first page.


Clean copyediting

You want to look professional but may not have the writing skills to reflect your industry know-how. Turn your words over to Tuff Ink for a polish that will make you proud.


Narrative Non-fiction

You want to tell your story and share your expertise with a book. But you need the right voice and narrative structure to keep readers engaged. 


Impactful Letters

To advocate for a change, you need persuasive language in the right tone to change hearts and minds. As an award-winning editorial writer, Lois uses facts to win the day.


Project Management

Do you have a file that keeps sitting on your desk? Get the job done by handing it to a get-it-down person. Plan an event. Recruit volunteers. Raise money. Just ask to see what else I do.

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