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  • loisetuffin

Why is Writing Those Words So Daunting?

By Lois Tuffin

Once you build a website, you like to think you’re done. The key information is there and you get back to your daily grind of doing the tasks that bring in the dollars. As long as people know what you do and how to reach you, all is good, right?

However, websites are becoming so much more than a simple business card. Companies are turning them into sales funnels by tracking visits and capturing the data. They are adding popups that collect email addresses and offering advice via blogs and documents you can download.

Refresh to keep Google's attention

The allure of these sites is the number of times it has new content added and the key words used within that content. Does your site do that? If it doesn’t, and you’re busy running your business, then you need a writer to take your ideas and whip them into a fresh batch of website content.

You may be amazed to discover what you know that your customers would find fascinating. Everyone wants to sound like an expert, especially when they are calling one for help and want to sound informed.

Perhaps your website is ready to go but you are planning a story for a business publication or a document for a fundraising campaign. If you don’t have the expertise in-house, then why not hire a professional writer for a few hours? It gets that item off your to-do list and moves your organization one step forward.

If you need the right words, call the right person. You’ll end up with a polished document or series of blogs that make you look professional, articulate, and ready to take on any challenge.

Call me anytime you feel overwhelmed.

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