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The Five Communication Secrets to Social Media Success

By Lois Tuffin

As much as people complain about social media posts eating up time in their lives, it gives you a quick, efficient way to stay in touch. Even better, you can spread the word about what you are doing and feeling for free.

It can generate the brand you wish to project or become a great enemy if you make your posts too personal or too strident. When you find the right balance, you make some great strides in showing people what you can do while showing off your personality.

How do you do it right?

Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Social Posts

1. Use the right words. You make sure the language you engage reflects your values in their range of vocabulary and their tone.

2. Post the right pictures. If you’re being serious, go with a factual photo. For a lighter feel, have a little fun. These must align with the words you chose.

3. Post consistently. If you flood your channels with too much information, you can turn people off. However, if you disappear for weeks, others can fill the void you’ve left behind.

4. Mix it up. Don’t sell all the time. Instead, offer advice or provide a little encouragement. Pick a theme for each day of the week to keep yourself on track.

5. Support others. When you see something that speaks to your heart, share it with your followers. Seek out opportunities to cheer others on. You will brighten their days, just as they do for you when they ‘like’ one of your posts.

Social media is what we all make of it. I often look at a person’s post when I’m invited to become their online friends, gauging if I want to be part of their universe or not. The more of us that use these channels in a constructive way to build up our communities, the better we can engage and enlighten each other.

Frankly, arranging my posts each week is one of the most fun things I do. I go looking for interesting facts and photos to make people smile or find a nugget of information they did not know before.

If you want to do the same, check out my LinkedIn profile or get in touch.

See you online!

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