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My Services


Communications strategy

Whether you are starting up or reinventing yourself, Lois helps to rebrand clients in transition. Create results-driven content within a thorough, achievable communications plan.

SNA award 2009.avif

Media training and advocacy

Do journalists cover your issues and events? After 30 years of working in media, then dealing with editors in every medium, Lois knows how to get editors to listen and make you a priority.

Photo courtesy of AMRULQAYS via Pixabay.avif

Automotive Expertise

For those in car sales and repair, the stakes are high due to fast changes in tech and consolidation. For content that keeps pace, turn to a writer who follows the trends with care.  


Impactful Letters

To advocate for a change, you need persuasive language in the right tone to change hearts and minds. As an award-winning editorial writer, Lois uses facts to win the day.


Narrative non-fiction

You want to tell your story and share your expertise with a book. But you need the right voice and narrative structure to keep readers engaged. 

Lois Tuffin CMHA award-1.avif

Inspiring Storyteller / Speaker

If you seek a natural storyteller to engage a crowd (even before lunch!), Lois offers interactive, fact-filled presentations on media, attitude and volunteerism that keep you awake.

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